28.06.2011 17:37 Vyacheslav Rud : |
As it was announced June 9, M.G. Itkis and Yu.Ts. Oganessyan were awarded by Russian Federation State Prize in science and technologies for the discovery of new region of superheavy elements stability.
By my opinion, actually in the persons of those veterans of science it was awarded outstanding achievement in synthesis of new isotops of superheavy elements, achieved in recent years due to self-sacrificing and intence work of large crew of scientiests and engineers. Those were works on experimental setups building and upgrade, work on experimental methods tuning, work on electronics upgrade and increasing its reliability, work on development software for apparatus control and data treatment and analysis, data treatment and analysis itself. That included many months runs on accelerator, when success depended on very coordinated work of all experimentalists. Of course, all this work strongly depended on accelerator reliability and its beam intensity.
Congratulations to all of you
who contributed to these outstanding results!
Extremely important part of this success was invaluable experience of longterm experimental work, accumulated since the time of ordinary transuranium elements synthesis, when about superheavy elements people told only as about very far perspective.
No doubts, success of the recent discovery of nuclear shell Z=114 and N=184 was strongly based on discovery of nuclear shell Z=108 and N=162 made in 90-th in experiments conducted under Yu. Lazarev leadership. Discoveries like these come into textbooks, every physicist should know about them. Thus this prize we also could consider as a gift to Yu. Lazarev 65th birthday anniversary.
For sure, the discovery of new region of superheavy elements stability is Nobel Prize level discovery (if the world scientific community would support its priority).
Consequently, discovery in 90-th of nuclear shell Z=108 and N=162 could be for sure awarded that time by State Prize. Why that did not happen - I don't know. Let me remind you, that in the title of the last Yu. Lazarev article stated: "Discovery of the Shell Closures N=162 and Z=108".
P.S. And the final words of the abstract were: "The findings of the present series of experiments create novel opportunities for extending the nuclear domain at its upper edge and offer the predicted spherical shells at N≃178-184 and Z=114 to be a major challenge for future experimental explorations.".
29.06.2010 13:39 Nina : |
Today is Yura's Birthday! We wish all the best, successes to his wife Anna, his granddaughters, his friend Slava, who created thar remarkable site. I'm proud for them, I'm proud that Yuri's actions live in our memoirs. "We cannot foresee, how our word will respond!"
With regards and gratitude, N.K.
24.12.2009 12:57 V.I.Rud : |
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
15.12.2009 15:55 V.Rud : |
Nov 26 Yu.Lobanov died in a car accident in Dubna. In age 75. Grieve about him.
15.12.2009 14:26 V.Rud : |
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