Site created 21.09.2009, introduced to public 27.10.2009.
Recent updates :
- 24.04.2017: in section Life path added link to Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions site with article in memoir of Yu. Lazarev
- June 29, 2016 - Yuri Lazavev 70th birthday anniversary
- 12.12.2012: in Signs of merit the documents mostly rescanned
- 10.10.2012: to Signs of merit added picture "Dubna pride" -
thanks to Nina and Anna
- 08.05.2012: Photo Gallery updated: pict. 34 added - Yu. Lazarev' burial place
- 15.04.2012: 16 years ago Yu.A. Lazarev passed away
- 11.07.2011: new entry in Guestbook (in English) from V.I.Rud as a comment on State Prize to M.Itkis and Yu.Oganessian "for the discovery of new region of superheavy elements stability" (P.S. добавлен 27/08-2011)
- 08.07.2011: to biography added an obituary published in JINR weekly "Dubna" (in Russian) - after words "Passed Apr 15..."
- 07.07.2011: in Bibliography (ref.57) added full text of preprint JINR E7-96-82 (in English)
- June 29, 2011 - Yuri Lazavev 65th birthday anniversary
- 28.06.2011: in section "Жизненный путь" added V.Rud memoirs about Yuri Lazavev student years (in Russian)
- 29.04.2011: New entry in Questionnaire - from A.V.Ignatyuk (in Russian)
- 15.04.2011: 15 years ago Yu.A. Lazarev passed away
- 15.04.2011: Problem with Questionnaire fixed (thanks to A.V.Ignatyuk)
- 14.04.2010: Photo Gallery updated: pictures 13, 15, 20, 21, 24.
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